Introduction Peter’s sermon after he received the Holy Spirit, validates for all of us that Jesus is really who he said He was. Jesus having suffered, died and rose from the death, Peter puts it all together to proof that Jesus’s death and resurrection was not only God’s plan but, it was God’s way of […]
Category Archives: Christian Worship
Is this what happens in your church? Nehemiah 8:1-12
The Reading and Preaching of God’s Word The setting of this passage happens after God allowed the Israelites to return from captivity in Babylon. This takes place after the Jerusalem wall was finished. We pick up the story in Nehemiah chapter 8. I have divided the message into four sub headings with the main heading […]
Isaiah 6:1-8 – How we must respond to God’s revelation of Himself to Us
How we must respond to God’s revelation of Himself to Us God has revealed Himself to us in nature and in His written word, the Bible. Each time that we read the Bible, we read about God’s revelation of Himself to us. We get to know about God’s Holiness, who He is and what He […]
God Saves through His Revealed Word
I have been in a number of churches where the word of God is read. In Some churches different books of the Bible are read e.g. they might read verses from psalms, numbers and one of the gospels in one service, while some might read verses from just one book. This is all well and […]
Eph 1:4-6: Spiritual Blessings in our Lord Jesus Christ Part 2
Adopted as Sons of God, Holy and Blameless. 4 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. Word Study: The word “chose” in greek is the word “eklegonomai” which means to select, to choose from. This word is in the Aorist […]
Eph 1:1-3 – Spiritual Blessing in our Lord Jesus Christ – Part 1
Spiritual Blessings in our Lord Jesus Christ – Part 1 1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints who are in Ephesus, and are faithful in Christ Jesus: 2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Comment: The writer of Ephesians […]
Romans 4:1-8 – Salvation is by faith plus nothing!
Comment: To be justified or to be declared righteous before God is a common goal in most religions. However, one of the major differences between Christianity and all other religions is that Christianity is faith based and all other religions are works based. What this means is that all other religions believe that one attains […]
Woman in Church
This is one of, if not the most controversial issue in church today. This is one issue that most pastors will rather avoid. This is one issue that most gender based organizations have been fighting against and continue to fight against even today. The question is, should women be allowed to preach, prophesies or be […]
Speaking in Tongues
Speaking in tongues has become more fashionable these days in my view than any other time in history. Every second person is able to speak in tongues. These people claim that they are speaking in spiritual or angelic tongues. Now a tongue apart from the word referring to an organ of the body, it also […]