Introduction Can God truly remain faithful and loving when He sends us to hell and to the lake of fire to be tortured and tormented, day and night, forever and ever? Paul has been making an argument since chapter 1 from verse 18, that God’s wrath is revealed against all unrighteousness and ungodliness of men, […]
Category Archives: The Word of God
Christians who dishonor God! Part 2
Introduction This message is part 2 of a message which I did not intend to make in more than one message but here we are in part 2, may God be glorified. In the last message, I indicated that the main theme of this message is about Christians whose lives contradict scripture, and thereby dishonor […]
Christians who dishonor God! Part 1
Introduction Romans 2:17-24 The name of God is discredited, it is dishonored, it is brought into disrepute by Christians! Yes by you and me who call ourselves Christians. We dishonor God. The world looks at us as Christians, and they laugh at our God. They say what kind of God is this, who allows His […]
“I did not Know” will not be enough to save you from God’s judgement! Romans 2:14-16
Introduction A mass murderer has been found “not guilty”, because it was shown that they did not know that killing another human being is wrong. This person has faced judgement and has survived because of lack of knowledge. I am sure that most of you reading this message, will simply not accept this kind of […]
You will Not Escape God’s Judgement simply because you claim to be a Christian. Romans 2:12-13
Introduction Can we escape God’s Judgement? Imagine being chased by a lion. You have been told all your life that when you see a lion, you must look for a tree and climb it and you will be safe. As the lion is chasing you and getting closer to you, you are so afraid because […]
Why we must Preach the Gospel – Romans 1:15-18
Introduction Having laid the basis, Paul now moves into the heart of his letter to the Romans. I would encourage you to read my previous messages which deals with verses 1 to 14 in detail. This will help you understand how Paul laid the basis for what he is about to say. In verses 15 […]
Romans 1:5-7 – Paul’s Calling as an Apostle
Introduction In the last post we saw how Paul in verses 1-4, brilliantly argued how and why the Gospel has authority and why it is true. We also saw why he has the authority to preach the gospel. In this post we will see why and how Paul was chosen to be an apostle, what […]
Romans 1:1-4 – The Gospel is Authoritative and True
Introduction The letter to the Romans was written by Paul about the year A.D. 57. Write at the beginning of the letter, He introduces himself as Paul and gives us his credentials of who he is and what gives him the authority to preach the gospel. He then goes on to show that the gospel […]
Is ancestral belief and/or worship contrary to or complementary to Christian belief?
“Is ancestral belief and/or worship contrary to or complementary to Christian belief? “ Introduction Most of you will know that I attended a funeral this weekend because of the message I sent previously. Attending this funeral has also made me realize that we are mostly dealing, especially among the black community, with those who call […]
The Gospel of Christ – The Smell of death to the Perishing
Introduction Despite hardships, the gospel of Christ was spread throughout by the apostles that were commissioned by Jesus. This gospel was not always received the same way by all. Some embraced it and some rejected it even to the point of persecuting those that were spreading it. In this passage below, we will see how […]