- Jesus’s Prayers Heard because of His Reverence
7 In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence.
Word Study: The word “reverence” means Godly Fear. The fear of disobeying God. The word “supplication” means a submissive request
Related Verses:Psa 22:1-2; Mat 27:46,50
Message:“In the days of the flesh” means while Jesus was still on earth in a human form. We are told by the writer of Hebrews that, while Jesus was still on earth, He offered prayers and submissive requests with loud cries and tears. We can remember when Jesus was in the garden praying and also while he was on the cross. Both times, the bible tells us that He prayed with loud cries and tears. The writer also tells us that Jesus offered prayers and requests to the one who was able to save Him from the death. It was God who raised Jesus from death. Therefore, Jesus was correct in offering prayer to no one else except God and His prayer and request was answered since indeed He was raised from the dead. We are also told that the reason His prayers and requests were answered was because of His reverence towards God or Godly fear or His continuous obedience to God. Jesus obeyed God and He feared disobeying God and His prayers and requests were answered. The question to you is: Are you praying to the right God and do you fear disobeying God?
- Jesus Learned Obedience through Suffering
8 Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered.
Related Verses: Phil 2:6-8; Rom 5:3-5; Heb 12:10-11
Message: One can ask a question: “If Jesus was God, why did he have to do all this”. Paul tells us in Phil 2:6-8 that although He was God, while in human form, He humbled himself even to the point of death. He obeyed God even through the sufferings that He experienced. We are in the verse then told by the writer of Hebrews that Jesus learned obedience through what he suffered. Paul also indicates in Rom 5:3-5 that suffering ultimately brings Hope. The writer of Hebrews also tells us in Heb 12:10-11 that God’s discipline, which can come in the form of suffering, yield righteousness. So,Jesus learned His obedience through suffering. Don’t see sufferings in your life as God having abandoned you but rather as God shaping you and guiding you to become a better child of God.
- Jesus the Source of Our Salvation
9 And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him, 10 being designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchizedek.
Related Verses: Heb 2:10
Message: Heb 2:10 tells us that Jesus was made perfect through suffering. The writer repeats the same thing here by indicating that Jesus suffered and was made perfect through those sufferings. This is not to say that Jesus was not perfect. This is simply referring to the perfect life that He lived and the perfect sacrifice that He gave. This is the reason why I said if you see sufferings in your life, it might be God’s way of making you a perfect child of God. So, don’t despise suffering but rejoice even though you suffer.
Jesus was made perfect through what He suffered and once perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey Him. This is a very important verse as it shows that Jesus’s suffering and death on the cross, made Jesus the source of our salvation. Salvation became available to us but, only through Jesus and only to those who obey him. Notice how the writer points to obedience as the requirement to access salvation. This does not mean that works will save you. This simply means that works will show that you have already being saved by believing in Jesus. Therefore, continuous obedience to Jesus gives assurance that one has obtained eternal salvation.Not only did Jesus become a source of eternal salvation but, He was also appointed by God to be a High Priest. This allows Him to continually intercede for us who obey him.
The question to you is: Are you continually obedient to Jesus? Because if not, that indicates that you do not have eternal salvation because you have not been saved