John 16:7-11 (ESV Strong’s Bible)
7 Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.
Jesus had just told his disciples that instead of asking him about heaven, their hearts are filled with sorrow because he told them that he is going away. Jesus then said to them that, nevertheless or despite that, their hearts are filled with sorrow, he still has to go away as it is in their advantage that he goes away. The advantage is that the helper will only come if he goes away.
The word in Greek translated as helper, it is the word “parakletos”. This word means an intersessor, a consoled, an advocate or comforter. It is used to refer to help of any kind.
8 And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment:
The word convict in the verse is translated from the Greek word “elegcho” which means to convince or show someone his fault or error and thus shame him. This is what the Helper will come and do to the world. The Helper will show the world their error or fault regarding sin, righteousness (the standard of holiness in the eye of God) and judgement and will put the world to shame.
9 concerning sin, because they do not believe in me;
Jesus’s death, resurrection and ascension to heaven wil show once and for all that He is indeed both Lord and Christ as declared by God. By showing them that indeed Jesus is who he says he is, the world will finally come to terms with the sin of unbelief that they have committed and will repent. This is exactly what Peter did after receiving the Holy Spirit. He preached Jesus crucified and showed the Jews that were there that, indeed the Jesus whom they had killed, is who he said he was. This caused 3000 to be saved on that day.
10 concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you will see me no longer;
Jesus while on earth, was the standard of righteousness and he himself continuously showed the world how wrong they are in their understanding of the righteousness that is required by God. Since he is now going away, the Helper will now be the one to take over this task. The Helper will show the world that true righteousness can only be achieved by grace through faith in Jesus and not by works.
11 concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.
In John 12:31, Jesus said now is judgement and the ruler of this world is cast out. Col 2:15, Jesus disarmed the rulers and authorities of this world and put them to open shame. Heb 2:14, Jesus destroyed the one who has the power of death, that is the devil. So, the Helper will convict the world of the impending judgement that will come upon them for unbelief and unrighteousness. He will show that world that the devil has been judged and they too will be judged.
Therefore, only through the Helper, which we know is the Holy Spirit, will the world realise how sinful they are in having rejected Jesus and not beleived on him. It will show how only through faith in Jesus can true righteousness be achieved. It will show that the devil was defeated on the cross and Jesus is indeed The Lord and Christ appointed by God. This conviction will only lead to true repentance.