• Common grace is the grace of God by which he gives people innumerable blessings that are not part of salvation (Matt. 5:44–45). God gives common grace in the physical, intellectual, moral, creative, societal, and religious realms. God gives common grace to redeem those who will be saved, and to demonstrate his goodness, mercy, justice, […]
Category Archives: Selected Scriptures
Tithe Part 3
Last message hopefully, on Tithing. Question: I hear that you say tithing is not a requirement and we should not give it. I understand you but, I still want to voluntarily give to the church and my pastor. Can I do that? Well, will be answering that in this message. First of all the question […]
Tithe Part 2
Continuing from my last message on tithe Does God want us to tithe? If so, how? Remember that the original reason for paying tithe was so that we may fear The Lord our God. Remember as well that this original tithe was paid and eaten or spend by the same people that had paid it. […]
Tithe Part 1
Morning all, Today I want to talk about a very controversial issue but one that needs to be addressed nonetheless. TITHE. This word has become a thorn and a stumbling block for most believers and non believers alike. But, to false prophets, it has become a gold mine. 2 Corinthians 2:17 (NIV) Unlike so many, […]
Old Covenant vs New Covenant – Part 1
This is one of the most controversial topics in the church today and I believe it is at the top of the list. I will discuss what these covenants are, who they apply to, wether they are still applicable or not and what it means to us now. What are these covenants? The two covenants […]
Born of Water and Spirit – Does this mean Baptism?
John 3:5 (NIV) Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. There has been debates regarding wether water being referred to in the above verse means water baptism or not. Wether this is the same baptism that John and […]
Salvation by Grace through Faith
Dear Brother I will be very happy to explain what Paul meant by works. It is clear that we need to spend more time in this subject than I thought. A number of people seem to really want to understand this issue. For me to answer this question, I will have to first talk about […]
Grace of God
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord Amen. Today’s message is the Grace of God. What is the Grace of God. Grace is an unmerited or undeserved favour. Grace is a favour that God does for you or on you even though you don’t deserve it. I used to confuse Grace and Mercy […]