Christians who dishonor God! Part 1

Introduction Romans 2:17-24 The name of God is discredited, it is dishonored, it is brought into disrepute by Christians! Yes by you and me who call ourselves Christians. We dishonor God. The world looks at us as Christians, and they laugh at our God. They say what kind of God is this, who allows His […]

God shows no partiality in Judgement – Romans 2:6-11

Introduction In verses 1-5 of this chapter, Paul has demonstrated to the Jews that by judging the gentiles for the very same things that they themselves are doing, that is self-condemnation. They will not be spared from God’s judgement. In verses 6-11, Paul gives us more details regarding how God will execute His judgement. Paul […]

Hypocritical Judges will also be Judged – Romans 2:1-5

Introduction In Romans 1, especially from verses 18-32, Paul specifically concentrated on those that despite having the knowledge of God, refused to honor Him, give thanks to Him or acknowledge Him. Their knowledge of God came from what God has revealed about Himself in nature, and Paul says this knowledge is enough to render them […]

Consequences of Atheism Part 2A – Romans 1:24-26(a)

Introduction In the last message we discussed the first consequences of atheism (a claim that God does not exist) and we saw that it leads to worthless thinking, immorality, foolishness and idolatry. Remember that atheism is a sin of suppressing the truth about God in unrighteousness. We will now look at the second consequence of […]

Consequences of Atheism Part 1 – Romans 1:21-23

Introduction Atheism is a sin as it leads to failure to honor God as God and failure to give thanks to Him, and it has consequences. Paul having argued that there is no such thing as an atheist or someone who genuinely doesn’t know that God exists, he now moves on to give us three […]